2004 THIRSTY Classic Results

November 6 2004
Sponsored by THIRSTY

Table 1 - Lager (German, American and European) (6 Entries)
Chuck Dougherty Little Rock,AR St. Ibid 2C Dortmunder Export 1
Jeff Schaefer Cedar Rapids,IA Bighead Premium 1A Light/Standard/Premium 2
Chuck Dougherty Little Rock,AR Carolus Magnus 14B Helles Bock/Maibock 3
Table 2 - Pale Ale (English, American and IPA) (15 Entries)
Matt Franklin Cedar Rapids,IA Hopeye Pale Ale 6A American Pale Ale 1
Sam Selzer Fairfax,IA 6A American Pale Ale 2
Jim Smith
Galesburg Homebrewers Association
Knoxville,Il Deconstruction Pale Ale 6A American Pale Ale 3
Table 3 - Light Ales (8 Entries)
Kevin Roberts
Iowa City,IA Brabant 2 19E Belgian Specialty Ale 1
Eric Ware
Davenport,IA Nolan Weiss 17A Bavarian Weizen 2
Kevin Lutz Iowa City,IA Nilla Lite Cream Ale 3C Cream Ale 3
Table 4 - Stout & Porter (10 Entries)
Matt Nowick
Cedar Rapids,IA 16A Dry Stout 1
Steve Slach
Bettendorf,IA 16C Oatmeal Stout 1
Gary Hughes Marion,IA Deep Woods Stout 16A Dry Stout 2
Jeffrey Stevenson Charlevoix,MI Vanilla Porter 15A Robust Porter 3
Table 5 - Brown Ale (5 Entries)
Eric Ware
Davenport,IA American Brown Ale vs SNPA 10D American Brown Ale 1
Jim Smith
Galesburg Homebrewers Association
Knoxville,Il Perfect World American Brown Ale 10D American Brown Ale 2
Wayne Behne Lowden,IA 10B Northern English Brown Ale 3
Table 6 - Strong Ales (7 Entries)
Matt Franklin Cedar Rapids,IA Slappy's Scotch Ale 11B Strong Scotch Ale (Wee Heavy) 1
Ryan Taylor Walford,IA Jack's "9" 12B American Style Barleywine 2
Adam Draeger
Hiawatha,IA Bee Sting Barleywine 12A English Style Barleywine 3
Table 7 - Specialty, Experimental, Herb, Vegetable, Cider (12 Entries)
Dennis DeVolder
Worthogs of Macomb/ Galesburg Homebrewers Association
Macomb,Il Crooked Creek Peach Melomel 25E Other Fruit Melomel 1
Gary Hughes Marion,IA Maple Ale 24A Specialty, Experimental, Historical Beer 2
Eric Armstrong
Ames,IA 26A Standard Cider and Perry 3